(CSU) Coordinator’s Program: 2000–2019

This program rewards Coordinators for excellence in performing their duties in promoting and assisting in the implementation of the (CSU) program involving other teachers in their respective schools.

The Coordinator is a teacher appointed by their Principal to be the liaison between CEDAR and other participating teachers at their school, responsible for the distribution of material and dissemination of program information.

Each Coordinator is rated on a scoring system with three cash awards being awarded to the coordinator having the highest point score in their respective classification based on the total number of teachers at their school;

  • Class A = (1-15 teachers)

  • Class B = (16-30 teachers)

  • Class C = (31 + teachers)

The award amounts are performance-based on a scoring system that provides $3.00 per percentage point of total points possible.
In the nineteen years of this program CEDAR has awarded (57) teachers a total of ($27,300).

Coal Study Unit Coordinator Awards Packet 2019-2020 (PDF)